首页必备英语口语2000句 Lesson 15 求婚

Lesson 15 求婚

    lesson 15 求婚
    01 will you marry me?
    注意事项 此句经常用来表达求婚,为经典的求婚用句。回答多为yes, i do.
    02 will you be my wife / husband?
    单词释义 husband [?h?zb?nd] n. 丈夫,管家
    03 i want to share the rest of my life with you.
    类似表达 i want to grow old with you together.
    04 he proposed marriage last week and fiona accepted it.
    单词释义 propose [pr??p??z] vt. vi. 求婚,打算,建议
    05 harry was very tense when he planned to ask ashley to marry him.
    单词释义 tense [tens] adj. 神经紧张的,拉紧的
    06 hannah has had an offer of marriage.
    词组释义 offer of marriage 求婚
    07 she repulsed his offer of marriage.
    类似表达 she refused his proposal of marriage.
    08 william has been struggling for months to pluck up the courage to pop the question.
    词组释义 pluck up the courage 鼓起勇气
    09 rose has pondered justin's marriage proposal for almost two weeks.
    单词释义 ponder [?p?nd?(r)] vt. vi. 仔细考虑,衡量,思索
    10 tom proposed to her on bent knees.
    词组释义 on bent knees 屈膝跪着

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