首页每天太阳照常升起 第8章 美丽人生(2)

第8章 美丽人生(2)

    in the five years i’ve been walking this patch of earth,and i‘ve covered some ground but barely scratched the surface.i can tell a red spruce from a white,name a handful of mosses and lichens,recognize sarsaparilla when i see it,identify most of the birds and many of their songs.you’d think this would be enough.but knowing a name of a song or the shape of a leaf is only the beginning,a first,tentative step toward intimacy.falling in love with the world is like falling in love with a person.before you know it,you‘re in deep.
    but how often are we told,”hurry up!”or“don’t touch!”what will happen if we slow down?what‘s the harm in touching,if we’re gentle?how are we supposed to know!anything,if not with our hands?how are we supposed to connect?how can we tenderly caress on another if we‘ve not had the chance to cradle a seedling or hold a tadpole or pick ripe raspberries,even as we’re scratched by thorns?how can we see the sacredness in every face if we don‘t have the chance to recognize it in our surroundings?terry tempest williams writes,“our lack of intimacy with each other is in direct proportion to our lack of intimacy with the land.we have taken our love inside and abandoned the wild.”
    a truck rumbles along the main road through the village,not a quarter mile away.twenty minutes have passed since the sparrow called.as i turn back toward home,i look up just in time to see a snowshoe hare dash into the undergrowth.i wish i’d been awake enough to see him before he spotted me.
    “zeeeee-up!”a northern parula calls from a tamarack,and i find him with my binoculars.he is a beautiful warbler,blue-gray-green on top and yellow below with a tinge of rust across his chest.when he finds a mate,they‘ll weave a hammocky nest from tufts of usnea,or old man’s beard,pale green lichen that d****s the trees in these foggy woods.this is a beginning.but what else calls the parnlas back to this very spot from their wintering grounds thousands of miles south?how do they find their way?
    in the late 1960s,stephen emlen,a behavioral ecologist at cornell,set out to test the theory that some migratory birds navigate by the stars.he used young indigo buntings in a planetarium to show that the birds actually learned to recognize the stationary point in the sky marked by polaris,the celestial center around which the constellations spin.while we dream on these soft summer nights,young birds in their nests learn the wheeling of stars.
    knowing this,who can sleep?
    the light is rich,igniting the moss and illuminating every tree as i walk back to the house.once when i was out walking in light like this,i couldn‘t resist resting my cheek against the cool,translucent bark of a yellow birch,the same way i press my lips to my husband’s forehead and breathe in his scent.it is a blessing when the familiar and the beloved are one,and when i realize that i thought i knew is still a mystery.this is what brings me back,again and again;to the man i love,to these profound and ordinary woods.

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